Aaron Spears: A Rhythm That Never Ends

The music world has been left with a void that’s hard to fill with the sudden passing of Aaron Spears. Although I never had the chance to witness his artistry live, his music and influence have deeply resonated with me.

Aaron was not just a drummer; he was a musical savant whose talents transcended what one might expect from a “typical” musician. He had an uncanny ability to craft complex rhythms and melodies that were not just technically demanding but emotionally profound. His drumming was a language of its own, speaking to the hearts of those who listened.

Interestingly, while the artists he drummed for – names like Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Usher, and Chris Brown – never quite aligned with my musical taste, Aaron’s drumming itself was a different story. His skill and artistry were so compelling that they transcended genre and personal preference, serving as an inspiration to me and countless others.

Aaron was a pioneer, always pushing the boundaries of what music could be. He was a master at blending different musical styles, creating something entirely new and groundbreaking. His work in various genres, from pop to jazz to gospel, showcased his versatility and depth as an artist.

But Aaron was more than just an extraordinary musician. He was a man filled with warmth and humor, inspiring those around him. He had the rare gift of creating an atmosphere of community and cohesion in a room full of strangers. His humility and genuine love for his craft made him not just respected, but deeply loved by his peers and fans alike.

The news of his sudden death at the age of just 47 has shaken us all.

My heart is with his family, his friends, and everyone fortunate enough to have known him or been touched by his music. His legacy will continue to live on in the hearts of those he touched and in the music he leaves behind.

Aaron will be sorely missed, but his music and influence will eternally reverberate.

red and orange galaxy illustration

Why I’m a Pantheist. And What About My Album “GOD”?

From my earliest memories, the universe has always been a source of profound fascination. The night sky, a tapestry of stars and cosmic wonder, seemed to pose questions that penetrated the very core of my being. My quest for answers led me through various domains – religion, philosophy, and empirical science. Yet, none offered the holistic understanding I yearned for. That is, until I discovered Pantheism.

At its core, Pantheism is a worldview that is both elegantly simple and profoundly deep: the universe and everything within it is divine. But let’s clarify what I mean by “divine,” as it’s a term often misunderstood. For me, divinity is not about an anthropomorphic God sitting on a celestial throne. I’m an atheist in that regard, finding no logical or empirical basis for such a deity. Instead, my sense of the divine is rooted in the inherent order that permeates the universe – an order that allows for the existence and functioning of all things.

This divine order is not a set of commandments but a natural, self-organizing system that can be observed in everything from the laws of physics to the complexity of biological systems. It’s the reason why planets orbit stars, why ecosystems maintain their balance, and why we, as conscious beings, can ponder our place in the cosmos. This order is the closest thing to “God” in my Pantheistic view, and it’s an understanding that fills me with awe and wonder.

When I first encountered the concept of quantum entanglement, it felt like a scientific affirmation of this divine order. Here were particles, separated by vast distances, yet intrinsically connected in a way that defied classical understanding. It was as if the universe itself was giving a nod to the Pantheistic idea of interconnectedness, an inherent feature of this divine order.

The first law of thermodynamics further resonated with my Pantheistic beliefs. This law, stating that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed, seemed like another expression of this divine order. It’s a principle that can be observed in the water cycle, where water evaporates, forms clouds, and returns as rain, never being destroyed but merely changing form. This eternal cycle of energy and matter is a testament to the inherent order that governs all things.

The cyclical nature of the universe, as suggested by theories like the Big Bang and the Big Crunch, also aligns with this view. These theories propose a universe in a constant cycle of birth, expansion, and eventual contraction, mirroring the eternal cycles that are a cornerstone of Pantheistic thought and another manifestation of this divine order.

The concept of emergence, where complex systems arise from the interactions of simpler entities, offers yet another glimpse into this inherent order. Consider a termite mound: each termite contributes to a complex, self-regulating system, a microcosm of the divine order that I see as permeating the universe at all levels.

Fractals, with their infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across scales, serve as a beautiful metaphor for this divine order. Whether it’s the branching of trees, the course of rivers, or the structure of our lungs, these fractal patterns are a testament to the inherent order that underlies all existence.

So, why am I a Pantheist? Because Pantheism offers a framework that harmonizes the spiritual with the scientific. It provides a lens through which the mysteries and realities of existence can be explored and appreciated. In embracing Pantheism, I’ve found a spiritual home that satisfies my intellectual curiosity, fills my soul with a sense of divine wonder, and aligns perfectly with my atheistic rejection of a traditional deity. For me, Pantheism is not just a belief; it’s a profound understanding of the divine order that makes us, and everything around us, a part of this wondrous cosmos.

The Irony of “God”: My Musical Perspective

Now, you might be wondering about my album titled “GOD.” I have never explained this. This is a first.

Contrary to what the title might suggest, it’s not a religious work. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – it’s a satire, a commentary on how religious teachings, particularly those surrounding figures like Jesus, have been misunderstood and distorted over time.

I have immense respect for Jesus as a historical figure. He was a revolutionary who preached love, tolerance, and understanding in a time when such ideas were radical. However, I believe that his messages have been twisted and turned into something he never intended. My album “God” aims to poke fun at this religious misinterpretation while also shedding light on how I see the divine order that governs the universe.

Back then I have been accused of blasphemy and even been threatened by religious fanatics.

In the album, I explore themes that resonate with my Pantheistic beliefs, using music as a medium to express the inherent order and interconnectedness that I see in the cosmos. It’s my way of challenging conventional religious thought and encouraging listeners to consider a more harmonious and scientifically coherent understanding of divinity.

So, when you listen to “GOD,” know that it’s not an homage to a deity in the sky but a musical journey that invites you to question, explore, and ultimately find your own understanding of the divine order that makes this universe so incredibly awe-inspiring.

sunken ship

Who Gets to Stay Afloat?

Alright, let’s get this straight. We’ve got five business dudes who thought it would be a hoot to drop $250,000 each to get up close and personal with the Titanic wreck. You heard that right. A quarter of a million bucks to see a sunken ship. Now, they’re lost at sea and the world is on the edge of its seat, biting its nails, waiting for news. And don’t get me wrong, I feel for them. I really do. And for their loved ones waiting in agony for any shred of news. It’s a fsitucked up and rather sad situation, no doubt about it.

Meanwhile, hundreds of refugees are drowning in the Mediterranean and it’s like everyone collectively decided to play a giant game of ‘see no evil, hear no evil’. Why? Because they aren’t rich? Because their journey wasn’t some luxury adventure, but a desperate escape from war and poverty?

Here’s the thing. Both these groups of people are (one even literally) in deep shit. But for entirely different reasons. The adventurers are in trouble because they chose to be, because they wanted a thrill, a story to tell. The refugees? They’re in trouble because they had no other choice. Because staying where they were was even more dangerous than the perilous journey they embarked on.

And yet, we’re more invested in the fate of five rich guys who willingly put themselves in danger than in the lives of thousands of people who had no other choice.

So, what can we do? We can start by shifting our attention and compassion to those who need it most. And that’s not the rich adventurers in their luxury submarine, but the thousands of refugees who risk their lives every day in search of a better life.

But hey, who am I kidding? That’s not nearly as exciting as following the saga of five rich guys in a submarine, right?

Before we go any further, let’s clear up one thing. This isn’t about playing the ‘whataboutism’ card. You know, that tactic where you deflect criticism by pointing out flaws in your opponent’s argument? That’s not what I’m doing here.

I’m not saying, “Hey, forget about the rich guys in the submarine, what about the refugees?” No, I’m saying, “Hey, why is there such a disparity in our reactions to these two situations?”

This isn’t about comparing apples and oranges. It’s about examining our collective response to human suffering and questioning why we seem to value some lives more than others.

It’s about recognizing that our empathy shouldn’t be a luxury item, doled out only to those who can afford to embark on daring adventures. It should be a basic human response, extended to all those in need, regardless of their circumstances.

So, no, this isn’t whataboutism. It’s a call to check our biases, broaden our perspectives, and remember that no life is worth more than any other (I’d make very few exceptions, though). But then again, that’s not as catchy as following the saga of five rich guys in a submarine, is it?

Update 23 June 2023

Here we are again. The five thrill-seekers who paid a fortune to visit the Titanic wreck met a tragic end. The world mourns ‘true explorers’ lost to a catastrophic implosion.

When a submersible implodes, it’s a brutal end. The pressure at those depths crushes the vessel into fragments in an instant. The people inside meet the same fate, subjected to the same crushing pressure.

At 3300 meters below the surface, the pressure is approximately 330 times greater than at sea level. This is equivalent to having about 3300 kilograms (or about 3.3 tons) pressing down on each square centimeter of a body or object.

In the first millisecond of an implosion, the hull of the submersible would fail, and water would rush in at an incredibly high speed. The interior of the submersible would go from a habitable environment to a high-pressure water jet in an instant.

By the end of the first second, the body would be subjected to the full pressure of the deep sea. The extreme pressure could cause the body to compress and deform, leading to catastrophic injuries.

That’s a real tragedy that has happened there, but it was a very sudden death that none of them noticed happening. It was a quicker death than being shot in the head with a bullet.

Meanwhile, the refugees’ desperate struggle for survival continues, largely unnoticed. They didn’t choose their danger. They’re not seeking thrills, they’re seeking safety.

Let’s remember: every human life should matter equally. The adventurers, the refugees, all of them. Empathy shouldn’t be a luxury item. It’s a basic human response, and it’s high time we extended it to everyone in need.