composing Archives • INGO VOGELMANN Composer • Producer • Audio Engineer Sat, 28 Oct 2023 08:47:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 composing Archives • INGO VOGELMANN 32 32 120855996 You Need to Fail to Succeed Sat, 28 Oct 2023 08:47:45 +0000 And I did, many times. That doesn’t mean I always succeeded after I failed, but whenever I succeeded it never came without failure before. That said… A New Paradigm for Music Makers In an industry that’s constantly evolving, The Crow Hill Company emerges as a breath of fresh air. While still in its early stages, the platform promises an ever-growing collection of free professional resources for music makers. But what sets it apart is its philosophy: it aims to be a “love letter to music makers.” This isn’t just a repository of tools; it’s a community, a support system, and most importantly, a philosophy that values the process as much as the product. What’s in the Vault? While the company is tight-lipped about upcoming content, they’ve teased that it’s something they’re “incredibly reluctant to share,” which only adds to the intrigue. Given the secrecy, one can only speculate about the revolutionary tools and resources that might be in store for members. The Maestro Behind the Mission Christian Henson is a name that commands respect in the world of music composition. With a career that boasts multiple nominations and awards, he’s a versatile talent who’s worked on everything from TV shows to epic sci-fi films. But what truly sets him apart is his unique, self-taught approach to working with the orchestra, a skill honed through collaborations with a diverse range of artists. The Spitfire Legacy Before The Crow Hill Company, Henson made waves with Spitfire Audio, a company that provides essential tools for composers. Spitfire developed a cult following and became a significant supporter of the music industry. This experience undoubtedly informs his new venture, bringing a level of expertise and…


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A Psychological Guide to Harmonic Mixing and Composing Sat, 26 Aug 2023 09:21:18 +0000 Harmonic mixing is an advanced technique used by top DJs and producers worldwide. It involves mixing tracks that are in the same or related keys, enabling long blends and mashups. The Simple Harmonic Mixing Tool on my website is designed to make this process even more straightforward. It’s an evolution of the Camelot Wheel, providing you with a unique code for each of the 24 possible musical keys (12 major and 12 minor keys). This tool is not just for DJs but also for music theory students and musicians who want to better understand the relationships between different musical keys. The Emotional Landscape of Musical Keys Understanding the emotional nuances of each key can add another layer of depth to your mixes or compositions. Let’s delve into the psychological characteristics of each key, along with examples from the electronic music world to illustrate these points. Major Keys Minor Keys Practical Uses and Personal Recommendations The Camelot Wheel and the Simple Harmonic Mixing Tool are primarily used by DJs and music producers to group keys based on their harmonic relationships. Keys adjacent to each other on the wheel are considered compatible and can be mixed or transitioned between more easily than keys that are further apart. This avoids dissonance or clashes between different musical keys, making your mixes smoother and more emotionally resonant. It’s worth noting that my recommendations for chord progressions are based on my personal experience and expertise as a musician and composer. There are 7 possible following keys that I find harmonious or serve a meaningful corresponding purpose. However, these are my personal recommendations and should always be taken with a grain of salt. Conclusion Understanding the emotional…


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The Power of Simplicity: Unraveling the Secret to Crafting Memorable Music Thu, 20 Apr 2023 06:00:00 +0000 I can’t stop thinking about the beauty that lies in the simplicity of things. In all kinds of things, including music. And so the idea for a small blogpost on this topic was born. In the world of music, simplicity can be a powerful and often overlooked tool. Many musicians and composers – me too, at times – may be tempted to believe that complexity and technical prowess are the keys to creating compelling and memorable music. This is not always the case. It is often the simplest melodies and arrangements that resonate most deeply with listeners and stand the test of time. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of simplicity in music, why it works so well, and provide examples of iconic musical works that have harnessed the power of simplicity to achieve greatness. The Importance of Simplicity in Music Simplicity allows music to be easily understood and enjoyed by a wide range of listeners. A simple melody or chord progression can often evoke a stronger emotional response than a complex, intricate arrangement. This is because our brains are wired to appreciate patterns and predictability, making simpler music more accessible and memorable. Some of history’s most iconic songs and compositions have utilized simplicity to create a lasting impact. For example, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 begins with a simple four-note motif that is instantly recognizable and has become synonymous with the composer’s genius. This motif, known as the “fate motif,” is repeated and developed throughout the symphony, demonstrating the power of a simple musical idea. Another example is The Beatles’ “Let It Be.” This song features a simple piano melody accompanied by basic chords and a straightforward…


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Harmonic Mixing and Composing with the Camelot Wheel Wed, 29 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000 Harmonic mixing and composing have become essential skills for modern DJs and music producers, as they strive to create seamless, engaging, and emotionally resonant mixes and compositions. The Camelot Wheel, a popular tool in the electronic dance music scene, offers a systematic and intuitive approach to harmonic mixing, making it easier for artists to identify compatible musical keys and create harmonious transitions between songs. This essay explores the concept of harmonic mixing, the functionality of the Camelot Wheel, and its practical applications in both mixing and composing. Harmonic Mixing Harmonic mixing refers to the process of blending two or more musical tracks that are harmonically compatible, meaning they share the same key or a closely related key. This technique allows DJs and producers to create smooth transitions between tracks, enhancing the overall flow and emotional impact of a mix or composition. By paying close attention to the harmonic relationships between songs, artists can build tension, create moments of release, and maintain a consistent musical narrative throughout their sets or compositions. The Camelot Wheel: A Practical Tool for Harmonic Mixing The Camelot Wheel, also known as the Circle of Fifths, is a circular diagram that visually represents the relationships between the twelve major and twelve minor keys in Western music. Each key is assigned a unique alphanumeric code, with major keys labeled from 1B to 12B and minor keys labeled from 1A to 12A. Adjacent keys on the wheel share a close harmonic relationship, making them suitable for mixing or composing. The simplicity of the Camelot Wheel lies in its ability to quickly identify harmonically compatible keys. DJs and producers can easily find the next track by moving one step clockwise,…


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Interview With Myself (And Then You) Mon, 13 Feb 2023 18:00:00 +0000 I did this many years ago, and here is a very recent (2023) version. The template for this comes from here: 33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself Feel free to pick this up and do it yourself. Link back to this post, so I can see it. 1. What Do You Do for a Living? Well, the fact that you ended up here means you already know at least part of the answer. I’m a music producer, composer and sound engineer, mainly. I work for myself, so I make my own music, and I work for others whose music I either write and produce or edit. I also have a “day job” that feeds me reliably and pays the bills, because I could no longer make a living from music alone. That used to be different, but unfortunately, that’s the way it is today. But I really like my second job. I work with great people, and I can do my work in a relatively free and creative way. I am a marketing manager and board member in the textile industry. There is no good reason to complain. 2. Who Do You Love? Okay, then I’ll be completely honest. You asked for it. I love my friends, some of whom I’ve had for a very long time, and my partner and our dogs. To put it succinctly to the point. Of course, the issue is more complicated. I have a big and fucked up family history that could be described as broken. In this respect, love is not dripping from every crack. I love certain people in this family in a certain way, but that’s more through blood ties…


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I Suffer From Sensorineural Hearing Loss Thu, 09 Feb 2023 18:00:00 +0000 During my lifetime I developed a condition known as sensorineural hearing loss which resulted in permanent loss of high frequency hearing. My right ear is affected a little more than the left, albeit due to a congenital auditory canal that is somewhat narrowed. This condition makes it difficult for me to hear certain frequencies like human speech, especially in noisy environments. A prominent example of someone having the same problem is Phil Collins. This type of hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner ear, specifically to the hair cells in the cochlea, and are — in my case — the result of many years of exposure to loud music both as a performer and as a producer. Today I want to be open about my hearing loss and speak about the challenges I’m facing as a result. Living with sensorineural hearing loss is a reality that I never thought I would face when I was younger, but it’s something that I have learned to live with over the years. Looking back today, I couldn’t hear certain frequencies too well very early on when I began playing music, especially when I was surrounded by background noise or chatting people. It’s a condition that has affected my (social) life significantly, and it’s something quite serious. I’m sharing my story in the hope that it will inspire others to take steps to protect their hearing, and to avoid the same fate that I’m enduring. Diagnosis I was officially diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss in 2011, after I noticed that I was having more and more trouble hearing in even only lightly noisy environments, like a dish washer in a kitchen that…


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Why I Abandoned Social Media Mon, 07 Nov 2022 16:04:05 +0000 When social media became “the new thing” and every artist was recommended to join the hype, I was very skeptical at first. I came late to the party of the two top dogs, Twitter in 2007, Facebook only in 2009, after the pressure on me from all sides grew too great. At least that’s how it felt to me at the time, or what I told myself… but there’s a good chance I just had the same need for recognition as everyone else and was afraid of missing out and not being recognized appropriately. As you grow older, fortunately that disappears. Instagram was about photography once I thought Instagram was pretty good at first… the filters looked cool and it was more about the photos than anything else. Until Facebook took over and turned it into a drug for people with an inferiority complex. Anti-Social Media I’ve never really felt comfortable with anti-social media, and I’ve also struggled to generate huge followings. There were decent numbers lately, but not enormous. That may have something to do with the fact that my audience has a rather limited affinity for social media. Something like that always has a direct connection with the kind of music you make. In all these years, I have experienced everything on social media that internet experts and psychologists are now warning of: abuse, hate, completely pointless and unnecessary discussions, exposing the private to the public (something I don’t like at all) and a very stupid thing: living out conflicts in public, in front of people you don’t really know. Necessary for artists? For a long time, I myself succumbed to the belief that as an artist you…


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The Ultimate Harmonic Mixing & Composing Chart Wed, 22 Oct 2014 05:09:57 +0000 Before you dig in… The Ultimate Harmonic Mixing & Composing Chart is a visual aid for musicians, producers, composers and DJs to easily create music that always has harmonic chord progressions. This sheet is now widely used worldwide as a teaching and practical tool in music and DJ schools and has been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. The situation As both a DJ and composer, the Circle of Fifth or the Camelot Key Wheel system — amongst others — have always been handy tools for me to write and mix music harmonically. There are just too many options in chord progressions than I could ever have in my memory (maybe you can, but I don’t). So yes, I could always have a look at above mentioned helpers to orientate myself through the notes and chords jungle, in case needed, which is not always the case. I have the most common chords in my head. Just not always. As a composer I’m fine with the musical key/chord system, i.e. “A minor“, but as a DJ it isn’t very likely (for me, again) to remember all the musical chords to know what to mix into what. So, Mark Davis came up with Camelot Keys (used in Mixed in Key, which I prefer, because of its accuracy) and then there are the Open Keys (Traktor). Which is basically a range of 12 keys for each gender, major and minor chords. “A minor” is 8A (Camelot Key) or 1m (Open Key). In a nutshell: if you mix 1A into 2A (and so forth, up until 12A and then into 1A again) you’re generally fine. Your mixing transitions will always be harmonic, no key clashes. This…


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